Monday, 25 November 2013

A small review

First of all before I begin I need to point out that although I do know the person whose website and products I am about to review I have not been asked to write about it, nor have I been given any incentive to write about it.

Right, that bit out of the way I want to recommend The Indigo Chick candles and wax melts.  Now, I am very fussy when it comes to scents.  There are very few perfumes that I like and although I do love Yankee Candles I never buy them without trying them first.

As I was a bit worried about buying something that I couldn't sniff first I decided to order a set of the wax melts that Rozelle makes as a way of deciding which candle(s) I was going to order.  That was months ago and I still haven't decided because they are all so gorgeous!!  I had promised myself that I'd get some for my birthday and just haven't managed to whittle down the options still and now she's only gone and brought out a load more fragrances for the Autumn/Winter/Christmas seasons.

Buy with confidence as I am sure you will love whichever fragrances you go for (and if you don't you can always send them to me instead lololol).  I can't even recommend any ones in particular because they are all so lovely.  The great thing about the box of melts is that it made the room smell gorgeous just sitting on the side (it still does despite only having a couple left!!)

One little tip if you go for the melts is to pop them into those silicone muffin cases you can buy quite cheaply from places like Wilkos and put that onto the dish on your burner.  You then don't have the problem of not being able to remove them from the dish and can swap fragrances over much easier.

So instead of buying from a large company buy from Rozelle, a work at home mum. :-)

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